We are investigating cloud & fog architectures for executing tasks with near real-time processing requirements. For example, managing tasks injected from vehicular systems into cloud or edge-based computing backends for processing.
We are working on middleware and programming frameworks for IoT that would self-organize the IoT and edge computing systems for optimal placement of task executions. We are using machine learning for optimizing handover and also data transfer with edge-based IoT.
We are implementing easy-to-use networking toolkits, high-level toolkits for experimenting with clouds, software-defined networks, and virtual network functions. This work started as a teaching toolkit and is quickly evolving as a research platform into novel distributed cloud architectures combining Clouds, SDN and NFV.
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For smart gadgets to gain wider acceptance, we need to de- velop things that can program themselves as users manipulate them to perform their day-to-day chores (a good example is the Nest intelligent thermostat [1]). Users can interact with a ‘thing’ in the physical environment in many different ways including: (a) directly manipulating the thing by using the controls and menus offered by it, (b) moving it from one position to another position, and (c) bringing the thing near the proximity of other things that create a combination with specific capabilities (moving a smart chair near a smart desk). In this extended abstract, we describe a design for a secure and trusted physical object model (POM) that can be used to describe spaces and smart things for context aware computing purposes.
In this paper, we present JADE, a framework that allows a developer to mix C and JavaScript constructs with JADE supplied keywords to construct a complete program to solve a particular computing activity in a ‘thing’. We describe the language constructs introduced by JADE and explain how they can be used to realize different software interaction patterns involving the thing, web, and cloud. We implemented a proof-of- concept prototype of JADE over Intel Galileos, web, and cloud. The experience of using JADE to write applications on Intel Galileos is described in the paper.
SpaceOS is a system software stack for smart computing environments. The major objective of SpaceOS is to make it easier to create applications and deploy them in smart computing environments. It provides several core services for managing smart devices in physical spaces and letting them interact with cloud backends and web-based users. SpaceOS also supports a programming language called Jade that leverages the facilities provided by the system software stack to provide a simpler programming model for the things.